The Aquatic hunt for Crocodiles and Hippopotamus is a unique hunting experience! Hunting two of the animals responsible for the most deaths in Africa annually is intense and exhilarating, to say the least.

A hunter must have incredible shooting ability and mental strength, as both these species are hunted in a cat-and-mouse game of patience. A precise brain shot is needed to keep them from disappearing into the deep water, never to be seen again.

Both Hippopotamus and Crocodiles are regulated by CITES and special permits are required for the hunting of these species.

Crocodiles are priced by foot and start at $5,500.00 for a $10ft Croc. A 15ft Crocodile cost approximately $18,000.00

Hippopotamus in South Africa, we hunt both bulls and cows. Prices start at $15,000.00 trophy fee.